ANOTHER EDIT: Hey $5+ patrons! Vote on when you’d like to see the next Vermillion Tales episode at Patreon!

LIL’ EDIT: Check out this awesome review/article about Daniel by ScaryCleve! Luurrrve it! O_O

So he’s like…double dead?

And we’re back! The end of last week was a fun one of lying in bed in misery with a cold, but doing okay now in spite of an annoying cough. 😀

Also, want to see something cool? Here’s a great cosplay vid by Krystal! Bask in it’s awesomeness!


Please consider contributing to the Patreon and you’ll see the next comic page before everyone else for as little as $1 a month. Also WIP shots and art tidbits for $2, and a monthly comic, Vermillion Tales, as well as Daniel chapter PDFs for $5!