NOTICE FOR THE WEEK OF HALLOWEEN: Sorry everyone, no update this week. I’ve decided I need a small break to rest my arm and my brain. x__x; Though *hint hint* the Patreon may still be slightly ahead of the main […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for chapter-7
Sorry for the missed week there, hope you all had a fantastic Halloween! And so Christine has a conversation with a door. I had a heck of a time with the backgrounds and that flippin’ chair, so I know this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Uh….no problem? EEEEEE, I got two beautiful fanarts full of Daniel and Christine snuggles. XD One is by Plamondon, a beautiful, soft-looking piece with just a tinge of menace (in the form of blood on Daniel’s mouth), and the other […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Christine decides to confront Daniel about what she’s been suspecting of him recently. (Though she was really downplaying it by saying “hurting” people.) Daniel himself is caught off guard, to say the least. Please consider contributing to the Patreon to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh…….well, that wasn’t so bad! In other news, Daniel recently made a cameo appearance in the lovely webcomic, Castoff. (He’s in the bottom right panel.) You’re in no position to be judgemental of Vector, Daniel! Please consider contributing to the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, I know, pretty dull page with little going on…I even considered cutting this one entirely and just jumping right into the next scene, but I decided this page really needed to be here so things don’t jump around in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
NEWS FOR 12/14/15: I will be taking three week break. I had originally planned to only take the last two weeks of December off, but due to some very worrying dizzy spells I’ve had recently (including one VERY BAD one […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah I know, pretty boring comeback page, but at least we’re moving again! Happy New Year, everyone! ^__^ Please consider contributing to the Patreon to get comics even sooner, as well as other goodies!
Right…I’m just gonna….leave these here. Please consider contributing to the Patreon to get comics even sooner, as well as other goodies!